Our Mission
To serve as the leading immigrant integration organization in the Central Valley, dedicated to ensuring full participation of immigrants in building strong, vibrant, inclusive communities. We do this by: collaborating, mobilizing and combining the resources and talents of our allies to offer, on a large scale, high quality immigration and naturalization services; strengthening and growing the capacity of our members to serve and empower immigrant communities, and support leadership development by leveraging needed public and private sector resources; working to change the dominant discourse about immigrants and immigration; working to achieve policies which support opportunities for immigrants to pursue their dreams.
CVIIC Board Members at 2024 CVIIC Immigrant Entrepreneurs Expo
Immigrant Entrepreneurship: Creation and Evolution of Innovative Program
Immigrant entrepreneurs play a fundamental role in the economy of our nation, our state, and the Central Valley as well. In the current context of the pandemic and a depressed economy, immigrants can contribute to the reactivation of economic activity, the wellbeing of their respective families, the creation of employment opportunities, and also the financial health of local, state and national governments. Moreover, self-employment and entrepreneurial opportunities can contribute to the personal development of our local residents.
With this in mind, in Fall 2020 CVIIC and partner organizations launched an innovative, pilot project to promote immigrant self-employment and entrepreneurship. The project had three principal target audiences:
- A cohort of Latino immigrants from the Central Valley who received intensive entrepreneurial trainings from October 2020-June 2021
- An online community of Latino immigrants who received ongoing information and resources, as well as monthly training opportunities.
- Representatives of partner organizations who received monthly technical trainings to improve their organizations understanding of immigrant self-employment and entrepreneurialism.
in Fall 2022, CVIIC launched the 3rd year of the program, recruiting 50 participants who constitute the 5th cohort to receive self-employment and entrepreneurship training. In addition, CVIIC offers multiple trainings on industry-specific topics. The program is developed and strengthen thanks to the collaboration of regional, state and national partner organizations.
Immigrant Entrepreneurs Program: Jorge and Aracely Testimony
Immigrants by Status and Race in Fresno County (2018 Data)
Central Valley Immigration Data (2009-2011) (Thousands)
Our Funders
CVIIC is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization.
The work of CVIIC is made possible thanks to the generous support of our funders.
- An Anonymous Donor
- California Immigrant Policy Center
- Central Valley Community Foundation
- CommonSpirit Health Foundation and Sisters of the Presentation
- DriveCA Coalition
- GCIR/Tides
- Grove Foundation
- Having Our Say/CPEHN
- Latino Community Foundation
- NALEO Educational Fund
- New Americans Campaign
- Nourish CA
- Ready California
- Saint Louis Community Foundation
- Sunlight Foundation
- The California Endowment
- The Rosenberg Foundation
- The San Joaquin Valley Health Fund
- Tides Foundation
- Werner-Kohnstamm Family Giving Fund