Immigration Services Directory: Central Valley Nonprofit Immigration Services Providers
The Central Valley Immigrant Integration Collaborative (CVIIC) makes available to the public an immigration services directory that includes nonprofit organizations that offer a wide range of immigration-related legal services. The directory is available in English and Spanish and can be downloaded from this page. The current versions correspond to May 2023. The directory is revised periodically. Please check back for updates.
Services offered by the nonprofit agencies in the Central Valley include the following programs/issues:
- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
- Naturalization (citizenship)
- Permanent residence (green card)
- Family petitions
- Change of status
- U Visas | T Visas | VAWA
Many of the services are offered free of charge or at low cost. Please consult with each agency.
The document may be downloaded by clicking on the arrow at the bottom of the form.
If you would like more information about the CVIIC leadership, please go here for information about our Board of Directors.
English Version Central Valley Immigration Services Directory (May 2024)
Directorio de Servicios de Inmigración en el Valle Central (Mayo 2024)
CVIIC y organizaciones no lucrativas del Valle Central de California han elaborado un directorio de organizaciones proveedoras de servicios legales de inmigración. El directorio incluye datos de contacto de cada agencia, así como los servicios que cada una ofrece.
Los servicios que se ofrecen incluyen:
- Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA)
- Ciudadanía
- Residencia permanente
- Peticiones familiares
- Cambio de estatus
- Visas U | T | VAWA
Muchos de los servicios se ofrecen de manera gratuita o a bajo costo.
El documento se puede descargar haciendo click en la flecha de la parte inferior del documento.
Si desea información sobre nuestros eventos para el público, por favor visite