Guides for Immigrants

Guides for Immigrants: Learn How to Protect Your Rights

The following is a collection of guides for immigrants. It will be updated on an ongoing basis in order to provide the most recent and relevant information and resources to immigrant families interested in knowing how to protect their rights. Most of the resources that will be uploaded will be in pdf format in order to facilitate downloading and printing.

Please share with your contacts.

ILRC What to do When ICE Agents Try to Have Contact with You


ILRC Red Cards for Immigrants

Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) has created red cards in multiple languages. These can be downloaded from the following link and printed at home:

Below is the English/Spanish version of printable red cards. Please download and print, carry at least one with you at all time, learn the content, and share the red cards with your family members and friends.


ILRC Family Preparedness Plan (English)

ILRC has also produced an updated version of its Family Preparedness Plan. This is the English version.


ILRC Plan de Preparación Familiar (Espanol)

ILRC ha desarrollado el siguiente plan de preparación familiar con el fin de ayudar a familias inmigrantes a prepararse en caso de enfrentarse a una situación de vulnerabilidad.


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