History of Mexican Immigration to the United States: Webinar Presentation by Dr. Rafael Alarcón
The Central Valley Immigrant Integration Collaborative (CVIIC) proudly sponsored the webinar, “History of Mexican Immigration to the United States from 1882-2020”, presented by Dr. Rafael Alarcón from the Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Colef).
The webinar examines the origin and evolution of Mexican immigration. It covers the following periods:
1. From Chinese Exclusion to Mexican Inclusion (1882-1920)
2. Restriction to Immig & Deportation of Mexicans (1921-1942)
3. The Bracero Program (1942-1964)
4. The Era of Undocumented Migration (1965-1986)
5. The Immigration Reform & Control Act (1986-1993)
6. Restriction & Criminalization of Immigrants (1993 -2020)
Download PDF version of the presentation
Bibliography consulted by author:
Alanís Enciso, Fernando Saúl y Rafael Alarcón Acosta (Coordinadores), 2016, El ir y venir de los Norteños. La historia de la migración mexicana a Estados Unidos (S. XIX- XXI). México: El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, El Colegio de San Luis A.C. y El Colegio de Michoacán.
Alarcón, Rafael. 2011, “U.S. Immigration Policy and the Mobility of Mexicans (1882-2005)” Migraciones Internacionales 20, Vol. 6, Num. 1. Enero – Junio (pp. 185-218).
Alarcón, Rafael. 2007, “Restricciones a la inmigración en Estados Unidos y movimiento agrario en Chavinda, Michoacán (1920-1942)” Relaciones. Estudios de Historia y Sociedad Vol. XXVIII, Num. 110 (pp. 155-187).
Alarcón Rafael. 2003, “La formación de una diáspora: migrantes de Chavinda en California” en Gustavo López Castro, (Ed.) Diáspora michoacana. El Colegio de Michoacán y Gobierno del Estado de Michoacán.
Alarcón Rafael. 1995, Immigrants or Transnational Workers ?: The Settlement Process among Mexicans in Rural California. Report for the California Institute for Rural Studies. Davis, California.
Alarcón Rafael. 1992, “Norteñización. Self-Perpetuating Migration from a Mexican Town.” Jorge Bustamante, Clark Reynolds y Raul Hinojosa, (Eds.) U.S. – Mexico Relations. Labor Market Interdependence. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Alarcón Rafael. 1989, “Los primeros ‘norteños’ de Chavinda” Zendejas Sergio, (Ed.) Estudios Michoacanos # 3. Zamora: El Colegio de Michoacán.
Massey Douglas, Rafael Alarcón, Jorge Durand y Humberto González. 1987, Return to Aztlan. The Social Process of International Migration from Western Mexico. Berkeley: University of California Press.
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